jute shopping bags
Jute Shopping bag

Jute Shopping Bags: Fundamentals and Why You Should Use Them

Posted On December 13, 2019 at 1:30 pm by / 1 Comment

Among the different jute bags, shopping bags are one of the most considerable jute products that are enjoying the limelight of today’s business world while Jute being one of the cheapest natural fibers, grown mainly in warm and humid regions, such as China, Bangladesh and India.

Jute Shopping Bags

Jute threads, being very strong and durable, are a natural choice for making Ropes, Mats, Sacks and Bags. As it is very cheap, Jute is used broadly, and to be precise, it is the second most widely used natural fiber, after Cotton.

Nowadays, when people are showing more concern towards the environment, the shopping bags made of jute are becoming more and more popular, and rightfully so. Jute can be harvested very quickly, can be manufactured into different products at a very low cost, and a single jute bag can replace almost 600 one-time usable plastic bags. So the utilization of Jute Bags can be profitable for both business owners and customers.

Plastic Bags and their Horrifying Effect on Environment

Plastic is used hugely for making carry bags today, mostly because it is cheaper than Cotton or Jute. But in longer terms, plastic bags are a massive threat to the environment since it is not Biodegradable. As most plastic bags are made for one-time use only, the amount of plastic waste in the world is in massive figures. 80% of wastewater in the oceans and seas contain plastic wastes. So, the wisest choice is to switch to jute bags!

Why choose Jute Bags over Plastic Bags?

Jute Shopping Bags are very durable, so they can be used multiple times. They maintain their glaze for a long time. Jute bags are very cheap and come in all shapes and sizes you need. And most importantly, being made of natural fibers, jute bags are completely Biodegradable, they will be decomposed naturally after you’re done using them, so they possess no threat to the environment.

Also, Jute bags come with really creative and innovative designs, which makes them much cooler than plastic bags. Jute bags are trendy, durable and eco-friendly – so maybe it’s about time for you to go fashionably green and start using them.

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