jute bag exporter in Kolkata

All about jute bag exporter in Kolkata

Posted On May 1, 2015 at 5:33 am by / 2 Comments

Introduction to jute bag export in India

Jute is often referred to as Golden fibre; in fact it is considered to be very versatile and extremely useful. This fibre is very popular as it can be used for making a variety of items particularly in the handicraft industry. The jute industry contributes a sizeable share in the economy of the country. The jute industry employs about 4.35 million people all over India. The number of jute bag exporter in Kolkata has also increased. The government has also realized that jute sector has tremendous amount of potential and is paying a lot of attention to the industry through various seminars. There are many jute mills in India; currently there are at least 78mills in India of which 61 are located the state of West Bengal. In India 64 jute mils are owned by private companies and the rest are owned by the government.


The benefits of using jute bags

Now days people are buying jut bags as they are aware of the fact that it does not  harm the environment at all. These bags are very easy to dispose and do not give out carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when they decompose. The bags are not al all expensive  and there  are countless brands out there that sell such products , so you will be spoilt for choice without a doubt. However before you go out and buy any jute bag do some research over the internet and find out the prices read reviews on the certain brand this will give you an idea on how good the brand is. The good thing about these bags is that these are available in various different sizes and shapes. These bags are really very sturdy so they last for a long time.

2 thoughts on “All about jute bag exporter in Kolkata

  1. Over 78 jute mills in India!! Wow!! DIdn’t know that jute industry is such planned and improved like this. Actually it’s a good sign. Since plastic made products are too dangeroous for environment and more and more people are looking for great alternatives like Jute. Such infrastructure and advancement in jute secton will make more and more people aware about this jute usage.

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